Sunday, 27 October 2013

First off; with a little disclaimer, I had not been consistently watching competitive Starcraft 2 for at least a good few months. I have caught the odd WCS regional matches and ever since that, I thought something was hmm, off about it. Just today I was enjoying watching some games in one of the WCS finals for the first time in a while!

I will say this. For the most part WCS is a very good thing.. at least in it's essence.

Lets look at the positives firstly. In my eyes, having one gigantic 'premier league' tournament is a much better idea than having multiple tournaments all fighting to be the best of the best. As long as that premier league either feeds into those tournaments like some other sports do.. or the gigantic one becomes all encompassing and takes on all of the other ones(which would be sad, because of the history of said tournaments). Whoops, got a bit side-tracked there!

The casters, the whole production crews, the players.. all living up to, or even surpassing the standards that have been set in previous tournaments. When I have seen some of one the whole show appears very polished and amazingly well done.

But if the problem that I have with this tournament has nothing to so with the essential parts of the tournament... What is my problem with it? Why don't I get on with it, why can't I follow it..

My first thought was that it's because of the fact that there are far more names floating around than I remember, but no.. that's not a bad thing.. I have quickly picked up on a few players that I really enjoy watching from this new(not so new, but rather new to me) fold of players.

The next thing was perhaps how awkward it seems sometimes when someone is trying to interview a player and they either ask some completely random questions that nobody needs to know the answers to or completely pointless questions.. but again, I think I can forgive that.. to some degree.

Then I actually realized.. I have absolutely no idea what any of it means. I do get that the Global finals are played at Blizzcon and the person who wins that should be considered the SC2 big daddy boss man.. it's all the regional finals, season finals and points systems in between that I don't really understand - whenever I open up twitch it seems that WCS are streaming a final and it starts to lose any real sort of meaning at least to me.

Maybe(I have no illusions this will happen) they should re-evaluate their system and make it easier to understand for those who don't or can't follow every single broadcast or maybe(Kinda more likely) I should just do some research and try a bit harder to understand the points system and the leagues and finals..

I would love to hear other peoples thoughts on this please either leave a comment on here, tweet me @McKnublet or even throw me out a comment on my Facebook page..

Anyway, Ciao for now! I'm off to bed!


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