Wednesday 30 October 2013

What's that? Free games you say? I'm there!

Oh, what do you mean they are for people who read the blog and I can't have them? :-( well I guess that's okay, as long as they are going to good homes.

Steam keys

  • Bioshock Infinite GONE
  • XCOM: Enemy Unknown (Gift) GONE
  • Crysis 2 Maximum Edition GONE
  • Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising GONE

Origin keys

  • Dead Space GONE
  • Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box GONE
  • Medal of Honor GONE
  • Mirror's Edge GONE

So yeah! It's exactly what it says on the tin.. 

All I'd like from you is that you follow me on Twitter and like my Facebook page

Enough of that, tell me how to get a game! Well shoot an email over to with the subject "Knublet's Den: Gimmie a Game!" it's first come first serve and one game per person! You need to say which game you would like too!

I will update the list with what's left as and when they go.

Good luck!

Sunday 27 October 2013

First off; with a little disclaimer, I had not been consistently watching competitive Starcraft 2 for at least a good few months. I have caught the odd WCS regional matches and ever since that, I thought something was hmm, off about it. Just today I was enjoying watching some games in one of the WCS finals for the first time in a while!

I will say this. For the most part WCS is a very good thing.. at least in it's essence.

Lets look at the positives firstly. In my eyes, having one gigantic 'premier league' tournament is a much better idea than having multiple tournaments all fighting to be the best of the best. As long as that premier league either feeds into those tournaments like some other sports do.. or the gigantic one becomes all encompassing and takes on all of the other ones(which would be sad, because of the history of said tournaments). Whoops, got a bit side-tracked there!

The casters, the whole production crews, the players.. all living up to, or even surpassing the standards that have been set in previous tournaments. When I have seen some of one the whole show appears very polished and amazingly well done.

But if the problem that I have with this tournament has nothing to so with the essential parts of the tournament... What is my problem with it? Why don't I get on with it, why can't I follow it..

My first thought was that it's because of the fact that there are far more names floating around than I remember, but no.. that's not a bad thing.. I have quickly picked up on a few players that I really enjoy watching from this new(not so new, but rather new to me) fold of players.

The next thing was perhaps how awkward it seems sometimes when someone is trying to interview a player and they either ask some completely random questions that nobody needs to know the answers to or completely pointless questions.. but again, I think I can forgive that.. to some degree.

Then I actually realized.. I have absolutely no idea what any of it means. I do get that the Global finals are played at Blizzcon and the person who wins that should be considered the SC2 big daddy boss man.. it's all the regional finals, season finals and points systems in between that I don't really understand - whenever I open up twitch it seems that WCS are streaming a final and it starts to lose any real sort of meaning at least to me.

Maybe(I have no illusions this will happen) they should re-evaluate their system and make it easier to understand for those who don't or can't follow every single broadcast or maybe(Kinda more likely) I should just do some research and try a bit harder to understand the points system and the leagues and finals..

I would love to hear other peoples thoughts on this please either leave a comment on here, tweet me @McKnublet or even throw me out a comment on my Facebook page..

Anyway, Ciao for now! I'm off to bed!

Monday 21 October 2013

I finally finished the main storyline missions and I have to say, I love the game.. I won't go into what it's about, because well I think most people already know what it is about.. and if you don't, what rock have you been hiding under for the past month! Go get it and play the heck out of it!!

I found the difficulty level to be okay for the most part with me dying stupidly probably at least once in most missions or shamefully losing the target that I had to chase. There was one side mission that I attempted three or four times before I left it and carried on with the story, then went back to it and managed to get it right.. the one where you have to keep the camera on a person in a car that is chasing you. This was difficult for me, I think because my stick skills(aiming) are intensely rubbish!

One thing that really gets me mad is how easy it is for you to die. I don't remember the other GTA games letting you die so easily! Maybe I need to go back and play again just to make sure.. but I'm sure you could survive more in the older ones!

Apart from that one thing, the game is very polished and plays extremely well from start to finish.. I often found myself playing for a lot longer than I intended because the story was pulling me into it and I wanted to see what was next in the game! I guess that is why a lot of people have likened the game to a movie, because it's extremely well written, the script and voice acting is what I would call flawless.

Great game. Next I need to get Xbox live so that I can try out the online version.. I am told it is intense fun..

Let me know what you thought of the game in the handy comments section below!

That's me out, ciao for now amigos!

Sunday 20 October 2013

For as long as I can remember, the Irish gaming scene has been.. well let's just say that for as long as I have been around here, it's been somewhat lacking. I mean there are a lot of gamers here in Ireland.. I can name four big games studios off the top of my head that have offices here.. but even with all of that, there has been nothing going on here and it's all been very disappointing in that regard.

However! All that is set to change with the upcoming arrival of an eSports event based in Cork, Ireland. When I first heard someone mentioning that this start up called n00bgaming were planning to host an event, I will be the first to admit to being dubious to the nth degree.. but ever since I saw the "poster" on TeamLiquid a fever has been growing in my loins head err..heart?

One of the things that makes it easy to become hyped about this is that Nick "Axslav" Ranish and Alex "Axeltoss" Rodriguez have agreed take the trip over to Ireland from the states to cast the tournament side of this event. This is notable because the pair cast as a duo for Major League Gaming(which is kind of a big deal).

On top of that, there is the announced prize pool.. which is insanely high for a first time event, so I'm told! There will be four different game tournaments each with a different total prize pool. I'll go through them here and let you know what it is! So here goes!!

            1. Fifa 13 - €1000
            2. Halo 3 - €1000
            3. League of Legends - €2000
            4. Starcraft 2 - €10,000
Yep, you read that right.. €10,000 euro prize pool for SC2.. for a first time event. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has extremely high hopes that this does well.. and if it does I'm positive there will be many more and the more there are, all the better for the Irish gaming scene and I guess the economy or something like that. They also appear to have some solid backing though with sponsors like Ozone gaming gear, Microsoft and Happauge!.

They have also announced at least one pro sc2 player who is going to turn up and that is Elfi.. I hope some more turn up cause well, it'd be pretty easy money for him if no other pro players go! So come on guys, sign up! Ireland is great and we'd love to have you all over here!

The tournament is set to take place in Cork City itself, and the location is fantastic because it's only a few minutes away from a lot of pubs. It's happening on the 16th and 17th of November at O'Callaghan Properties, Half Moon St, Cork.

This is their post on TeamLiquid. You can also check out the Facebook page here, follow them on Twitter for regular updates.

That's me done, so as usual drop me a comment or three if you have any thoughts or want any more information and I'll do my best to dig it out for you!

Ciao for now!

Thursday 17 October 2013


So I figured I would take a time-out from my busy college schedule and write a little bit about this handy little app that I've been using on my phone for the past few days!

It's called Themer and it's currently in Beta stage of testing and it's all about customizing your Android phone.. something that an Android phone has been able to do, pretty much since it's conception. However this was something that was limited to people who knew what they were doing. Now the boffins at MyColorScreen have made it so that even I can change the way my phone looks with just a single click!

As it's in Beta I signed up with my email and got put into a queue to get sent a code.. now this was about a week ago that I signed up and I was in a queue of about 200,000.. it took roughly 3 days for them to get through that gigantic queue and for them to give me a code(which wasn't bad, I thought)!

Once I had the code and entered it into the app, it opens up with the option to browse themes, with three further options - Most popular, Staff picks and Newest. Simply select a theme that you fancy, slap that Apply option and BAM, it downloads and applies automatically.

So far, my favourite themes are below and are the LCD and the Super Mario themes!

If you are interested in taking part in the Themer beta, head over to their website and sign up, or download the app and sign up in there!

That's it from me for now, it's already way later than I hoped it would be when I finished this! :P As always if you have any thoughts you'd like to share, hit the comments button and leave me a note! Cheers!

Ciao for now!
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