Monday, 8 October 2012

Heyo all!

So, I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about the Beta that is going on for the next part of the Starcraft 2 legacy.

Basically, it's a few new units for each race that will be available in multiplayer and a whole new campaign story, this time instead of from the Terran perspective, it's told from the Zerg(WAHOO!). Needless to say because I love the story/playstyle of the Zerg I am really looking forwards to it.

At the moment, you can only play the multiplayer because they need to balance the new units so they aren't like super duper overpowered in the competitive side of the game. But what do I think about it? Well, the new Zerg units are well, quite okay.. but there is at least one change that I am really really happy about.. and it doesn't even really effect the game in general..

As Zerg, all your units move faster on this stuff called creep.. you need to spread the creep with your Queen unit by planting these things called Creep Tumors. In Wings of Liberty these things couldn't be planted on anything like a ramp.. and when you spread them the next one just sorta appeared.. but now... now the spreading has an animation.. it looks like a snake travelling over and above ground to the next point you clicked! And you can put them on ramps!

Not even really a huge change.. but it made me stupidly happy. Perhaps more happy than I should have been about such a small change.

One thing that I was really sad about, was that they had said that one of our units; The Baneling, which explodes in a mess of green goo and happens to be one of my favourite units would be able to move while burrowed under the ground(Note: in Wings of Liberty it could already burrow under ground but couldn't move and was lovingly called the Baneling Land Mine). But it seems they have removed this ability :'(

This is the first of many posts about the Beta, I will most likely go into more details about the new units for each of the races.. or maybe just make one post dedicated to each race and throw info at you about them like that.

In other news.. I have managed to finally get SMS Protect off my account and have got it updated to my new phone.. hopefully now I'll be able to start selling stuff in Diablo 3 again!! If things even sell there anymore. I guess I'll find out! Wish me luck!

If you have any feedback or have something you'd like me to tackle let me know, also please follow me on Twitter @McKnublet and subscribe etc!

Ciao for now!

Friday, 5 October 2012

Howdy doody!

So, today is my fifth day of non smoking..annnnd the cravings are pretty bad. For the most part my coping strategies are that I am avoiding all the things that used to make me want to smoke. Though, I can't escape the dreaded work.

So what have I been doing? Well, I played some HotS Beta.. but mostly when I have been playing games, I have been whipping butt in Diablo 3. I figured it was beyond time and finally got my Barbarian to level 60. It was easy once I got some better gear.. which I bought from the gold auction house using the profits of my other level 60 toon's.

I had forgotten how much I enjoyed playing the Barbarian, it's quite like the Monk but a lot more bulky, doesn't look like he'd snap in two if some group of monsters looked at him sideways. Also that pretty much all of the sounds of the maneuvers you use are very gratifying.. it sounds like it hurts! Which afterall is why we play such a bloodthirsty game.. because it sounds and looks so bloody!

I'm not going to go into too much depth about the Barb, I'll leave that for the post specifically about them but I just wanted to let you all know what I've been up to!

I had a day off work yesterday and for once I was quite productive... shock horror! I fixed my darlin's bike after going and getting a new inner tube, I bought a new lock since the nice guy at the post office depot snipped my old one for me*, bought some food and hit level 60 with my Barb!

I'm actually stupidly good at procrastinating, like a lot of folks I guess, which doesn't help when I am wanting to do stuff... you know, like work.. and writing blogs.. and well, everything! So it's always a bit of a surprise to me when I actually manage to get stuff done.

I think the next post will be about the HotS Beta, which I have managed to keep quiet about till now... wait for it, it's coming!

Ciao for now!

*Though I am thankful to that guy for helping me, I could have been anyone just trying to ram keys into a bike lock! He could have just helped me steal a bike... though it was indeed my bike and I had been there for... some time.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Small update, since today so far has been an awesome day.

I passed the driving theory test in England.. I had already passed the theory test in Ireland.. but never got to take the practical before I moved back to England and due to the way things work I couldn't just take the practical here.. even though I had already passed a theory test! So now I have to book some lessons in preparation for the practical.. which I'm kinda worried and yet excited about at the same time.

Even though I had to come into work right after I had taken the test, it still didn't put a dampener on my day.. and even though I'm still at work now, it ain't no thang.. looking forwards to going home, having some excellent home-cooked food and having a celebratory sleep.

I just thought.. and the best thing about passing the theory test today, is that I can get back to playing HotS and D3 instead of taking mock tests ^^

On top of that.. the National Health Service is running a campaign in October to help people quit smoking it's called Stoptober, so I decided that after .. too many years smoking that it was time to quit properly! I'm kinda anxious about it but looking forwards to reaping the rewards of joining the non-smokers.

If you have any advice on fighting the cravings, feel free to throw it at me!

Just had to share :)

Monday, 24 September 2012

As promised, I'm here again! This time with a little look at the class that I have been playing the most in the short spurts I've had at playing D3 recently. Unfortunately, most of my time has been taken up with working and.. being told what to do by she who must be obeyed.. so I'm whipped, what of it?!

I actually have something else on my mind too, I was wondering about the different sites that offer homes to blogs and considering moving across to a different one. I did a brief search and it looks like WordPress is the main competitor for Blogger; in one head to head, here, they say that Blogger is much easier to use and WordPress is much more difficult to get to grips with... so, being the lazy bugger that I am, I think I'll stick to Blogger! Do you have any thoughts? Let me know!


Enough about that claptrap! The Monk! The monk is a melee based class with some funky dunky spells to help them out.. if I had to compare them to a WoW class, I guess it would be the Paladin. They can heal themselves and groups(with an Aura) and dish out a bidda damage and also be quite tanky in multiplayer. Their main attributes are Dexterity and that's about it I guess, though it never hurts to stack the old hit points.

You can run with a couple of different styles with the Monk, you can use one weapon and shield and soak damage and bore packs of mobs to death(much like the WoW Paladin used to), you can dual wield one handers(which I think fits more with the way Monks look) or you can try and lift a mighty two-hander with your scrawny looking Monk fella.. 

I found working my way through the beginning levels to be easy, almost too easy really! Especially with abilities like Breath of Heaven and Serenity. Of course, late Hell things got a bit rougher, but still not too difficult.. even Inferno doesn't hurt too much.

Do I like it? Yah, I really like the play style of the Monk for some reason(probably because it's ez-mode balanced!!!). I guess I am still a sucker for running into a group of mobs and laying the smack down and enjoying the abundance of red mist that sprays around when you kill them all! But where are you at with your Monk?!?! I hear you cry in unison.. well, I'm glad you asked! Currently I'm just starting Act II of Inferno. My last session ended when she rang me and made me die to the first champion pack I encountered in Act II! :(

I have no idea if other people who play monks use the build I do.. I think, if I can remember rightly it's something like this and I really like it. It gives a ton of survivability and puts out a decent amount of damage.  Granted it's nowhere near close to the Witch Doctor's damage.. but who would expect it to be? I'm currently stuck with some alright gear.. working on getting upgrades in the ole inferno...

Time to stop talking and get back to ... watching my pc perform a CHKDSK... joy.

Ciao for now!

Friday, 21 September 2012

Heyo all, welcome back to my blog! I hope you are all enjoying reading this as much as I am enjoying finally scribbling my random thoughts down! I realise I haven't done a post about Diablo 3 for a while, so after this one I think the next one will be dedicated to my Monk character.

So while I was playing around with the 2v2 games about a year or so ago, I discovered Day[9]. He was a pro-gamer in the Starcraft: Brood War and he did very well for himself! At some stage he started making shout casts and for those who don't know.. shout casts are where some guy gets a replay off two other guys playing a game.. then describes in great detail as much of what is happening as they can. 

Now, I think a lot of his success stems from him being a naturally funny guy.. alongside the fact that he knew his stuff when it came to Brood War. He put out a LOT of content. He plugged in his webcam and talked about Starcraft for an hour or so for five nights a week, a feat he is still pulling off to this day(barring when he is out of town).

His shows have varied topics, usually as he states "It's day9 daily, where we learn to be a better gamer" and they actually do help and some of his thinking and suggestions can even be applied to other games. I would attribute my rise from Bronze to Gold to having watched his streams almost religiously for ages! For the most part now, the daily is analyzing games that he thinks are interesting and might help his viewership in their aim to get better. 

In my opinion, the best thing about his show is Monday's version - Funday Monday. Where he generally imposes a restriction on his viewers and asks that they submit the replay to him and then the next week he will play the best replays on the Monday show and generally laugh at how terribly awful the games are thanks to his restrictions. Usually he has a comic spurt at the beginning of the show where he discusses something about his day or past.

From hearing him talk about it, I found out about a professional team who had a website, which had a wealth of information on the game and a whole host of pro-gamers who stream their practice games live. I never thought I would find so much enjoyment from watching people play a computer game but with Starcraft I can't help myself, whenever I get a free moment I tend to head over to and flip on a live stream. Of course I have my favourites and I tend to only watch Zerg players... cause well, Zerg 4 lyf.

If you are interested in hearing more about Day[9], I would highly recommend his daily #100 which can be found here - - It's quite a long video but he talks about how he got started in Starcraft and how his life has been changed by this game.

Please subscribe for regular updates! :-D

Ciao for now amigos!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

So, where was I? Oh yes! I remember..

So I was left with Zerg! Why not? The general creepiness of the race seems to suit me.. or so she who must be obeyed tells me!

After I had completed the campaign, I was ready for the ladder! Or so I thought, I dutifully played my placement matches and got the wondrous Bronze league! Though, as with most who got placed Bronze, I thought myself far better than that! I was at least Gold, maybe even platinum in my mind!

I ended up playing quite a few matches and having double the wins that I had losses, which only went on to prove to myself that I was better than Starcraft 2 was giving me credit for! Then, after a series of being cheesed which thoroughly annoyed me, I stopped playing for a while. Maybe one or two seasons went by and still I didn't play.

Then one day, Chris again I think asked me to play some games with him. So I did and it re-kindled my interest in actually playing and I plucked up the courage to do my placement matches and got placed in Gold. I don't know how.. maybe it was the many hours that I had spent watching Day9 (, he inspired me to change how I played but more about that later!

Armed with my newfound knowledge on how to play the game, I played a few more ladder games but mostly I just played random 4v4 games, they can be so much fun! Especially when you get placed with some awesome players and they all just trash talk each other for the duration of the game. At one point, during an especially good month of working night shift, we had 5-7 people all playing each other on lunch! This was the first time I played Shaun, who had never played against a person before and picked Terran as he'd done the campaign.. in our first game I promptly proxy hatched in his base and spine crawler rushed him.

Eventually though, my enthusiasm for playing dropped off, mostly just because I was so busy working and doing the whole being social thing. Another couple of seasons passed and someone else from work started to really get into playing Starcraft and asked me to start playing with them. Shaun was back and gunning for me. He now played Zerg like me and at that point I think I was a little above him in skill.. can't say the same now though I think!

We played together quite a lot, 1v1s and 2v2 team games.. I think they are some of the fondest memories I have of playing competitive Starcraft games, just sitting on Skype chatting while blasting out match after match. Around that time, we decided to start our very own funny little team. We used up our name changes and became team Bad Micro. We thought and still think we are so clever! Because this made my Starcraft moniker BMMacDaddy and as anyone who knows a little about Starcraft will know, BM also stands for Bad Manner. We had quite a few people talk crap to us about our name, to which we would always respond politely and happily notify them that it meant Bad Micro, but secretly we enjoyed the little smack talk that would erupt from our name.

That's all from me for now, next time I'll go into more detail about how Day9 changed my Starcraft life, introduced me to watching professionals playing and where I am at now, with Starcraft 2.

Ciao for now!

Friday, 14 September 2012

With the Heart of the Swarm beta going on, I wanted to talk about how my love affair got started with Starcraft 2.

So how and where do I start! I have been playing starcraft 2 since it was early beta, on and off I might add.

It all started because ... Well because I got into the beta automatically because of work. I had never really played rts games all that much, I mean I messed around with games like command and conquer and warcraft: orcs and humans. The latter I only played a few times because I didn't have a computer and had to go round to my friends house to play.

I had no idea how the game worked, sure I knew you built workers and an army and then you killed your opponent but that was it. As you might imagine, I was terrible. At that point in the beta you couldn't play the single player mode so I ended up playing like 5 games on the big bad internet. I think I lost them all, surprise surprise.

My excellent start to playing starcraft 2 instilled in me something which I battle even now, the dreaded ladder fear. I'm not sure who else may suffer from it.. its not so much that you are scared of playing on the internet, more I think that you are scared of losing to someone you don't know. As crazy as that sounds.

At that point, I had an excellent playing buddy(Chris), who was just as terrible as I was. We played quite a few really bad games against each other.. I think I might even have some of the replays saved from that time.. if you are interested in watching some terribad Starcraft let me know and I'll let you have them!

I think it was then that I found that I couldnt play Terran and Protoss was a girls race, which left me with zerg...

It's time to get ready for work, so I will carry on with this later!

Ciao for now!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

First off.. wow, this has been a long time coming! I've been living back in the UK now for about 2 months and we only got the internet set up hmm, about a week or so ago thanks to moving into a newly built house share - BT and the landlord being utterly crap, managed to somehow fudge getting it set up for way too long.. and even now, the speed is garbage. I actually think I have poo'd faster than this internet.

Let's get to the meat of this one.

So, you found a nice shiny rare or legendary that you think someone else in the world may be able to give a better home to than you and you want them to have it.. but not for free, I mean, nothing in this world is free right? You could put it on the Gold auction house, but really.. you don't need gold! You need the cold hard pixels of cash. Real cash that you can see on your screen..

So, how do you set it up? First off, you need to decide which way you're going to do it. There are a couple of different ways you can interact with Diablo 3's real money auction house. balance and PayPal.. I personally use PayPal because well, you can't claim your balance as cash you can only use it to "buy" other Blizzard features like World of Warcraft Paid Services or even digital versions of the other games!

In order to use the balance you need either a physical or mobile authenticator attached to your account, you can buy the physical from the Blizzard Store or download it onto your mobile/cell via itunes or your marketplace ie. Google Play.

In order to use PayPal you need to sign up for the SMS Protect service, you can find the FAQ hereThey(Blizzard) highly recommend attaching an authenticator to your account, no matter if you are using the Auction House or not!

Once you have that all set up, you're ready to get back in game and sell sell sell!

Please bear in mind, they do charge you a fee to use these features.. they are as follows:

For Equipment (weapons, armor, accessories, and other unique items)
  • Transaction Fee (Gold Auction House): 15% of final sale price
  • Transaction Fee (Real-Money Auction House): 1£ GBP per item / €1 EUR per item
  • Transfer Fee (when sending proceeds to PayPal or other authorized payment-service provider): 15% of amount being transferred
For Commodities (gems, materials, dyes, pages, recipes, and other non-unique items)
  • Transaction Fee (Gold Auction House): 15% of final sale price
  • Transaction Fee (Real-Money Auction House): 15% of final sale price
  • Transfer Fee (when sending proceeds to PayPal or other authorized payment-service provider): 15% of amount being transferred

For me, I haven't actually made that much from it(about 15 euro)... I guess partly because we moved over to the UK and it took me forever to get access to a scanner and send my passport and a bill to Blizzard to update my country of residence and partly because I'm not very good at the game.

Ciao for now, I'll be back soon!

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Right at this minute I am homeless and will be till Saturday.. thankfully we have somewhere to stay in the interim. Though I have no access to my computer or the internet other than on my phone we are making it work. We have been watching the first series of a show called Suits, which is surprisingly good! We also have a few episodes of Bones to watch! I realised yesterday that I will have to do without any Diablo 3.. till I don't know when!! Can't check my auctions either, though I doubt any sold.. nothing has sold since the first item I managed to sell. We will survive I think, but only just... And she who must be obeyed may very well kill me if she has nothing to distract her from how annoying I am.. so if this is the last anyone hears from me... I want Chris to have my BBQ, Shaun to have my laptop...

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

So, I got to level 11 with a Demon Hunter so far, seems quite fun! Though, I must admit most of my time over the past couple of days has been spent playing my Barb again, I specced him to a more tankish build and things are going much more smoothly. But anyway! The Demon Hunter, a ranged class that seems to have quite a lot of survivability, that could just be because I've not really leveled it! Not through taking the damage but more by avoiding it. Perhaps at later levels it will become more like the glass cannon-like Witch Doctor I've got!

It does seem fun, though.. I like the fact that you don't have to use a 2h bow/xbow or whatever and that you can dual wield the 1h stuff, funky! They also have a skill called Vault, which I love! I keep doing it even when I don't have to.. like I'm wandering around and I'll just "tumble acrobatically 35 yards", I think it's the animation that makes me want to do it.. maybe the sound too!

I just got a skill called Bola Shot, which I used for the first time on a pack of spiders.. boom boom, tumble tumble, boom boom! Teehee.

In other news, the Real money auction house went live for items.. and I sold some level 48 Monk fist weapon.. I think it sold for 12 euro and I ended up with 10, not bad for a days work! Shame nothing else sold :P Oh well! I'll just have to keep trying to find stuff to sell! Lots of people were talking about making 250 dollars, or euros.. but I don't know anyone who has. The most I've actually seen someone get was 25 euro, which is still pretty awesome I guess!

I'll just take a time out to update you on my other characters. I have my Witch Doctor at level 60, my Monk at level 56, my Barbarian at level 51 or so, a level 11 Demon Hunter and a level 9 Wizard.. I'm finding myself with the itchy feet syndrome I get when I play WoW. I can't stick with one character for too long but I guess that helps with the games longevity for me.

Ah well, I guess this post shouldn't really be called the Demon Hunter, cause I don't talk about it too much.. let's just add "and stuff" and y'all can deal with it!

Ciao for now!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

I was going to post today about the Monk, but as I sat down to write, I had something else dominating my thoughts! What was that? I hear you gasp with anticipation? WELL!!!

Today was the third(or so) date that had been set for the Real Money Auction House to be released for Diablo 3. Yet again it appears to have been delayed, at least in the EU. It does seem to be live in the Americas and several people are reporting that they have sold items for up to $250, which is kinda insane! I guess these items must be high end Inferno items, for them to be that price.

For me, I'm waiting with baited breath.. hoping that the few items I have ready to throw up on there will sell, heck.. even if they just sell for a couple of euro I'll be happy! Who knew you could make money by playing a game.. I won't buy anything on there though, oh no!

I have had people asking me if I really think people will buy things for real money on the Auction House.. and honestly, I really think they will. People seem to buy things with no second thought to if it's really worth the money they are paying.. I mean, we all get the shaft by shops.. so why not in a game too?

But how high will the prices actually be? I think that the dominant sellers will be hackers/bots.. as with the World of Warcraft auction house. They are very good at catching them and banning them, but there are just too many I feel.. the next in the hierarchy would be people who camp the auction house, sitting there refreshing the page till they see a steal, then re-post it for quadruple the price or whatever.. I have a good friend who did this with WoW and they made a LOT of gold from it. The average Joe trying to make a sale will probably find it's not really worth it.. when you take into account the time it takes to farm an item/materials.

At the end of the day, it relies on us using it, for anyone to make anything from it. The question I have for you, the end user is.. will you use it?

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

I didn't get to post anything the past couple of days, because I've been out of town! Flew over to the UK for a couple of days to somewhere I have never been before. I love exploring new cities, thankfully in this day and age, getting lost is extremely difficult to do! Anyway, more details on the Witch Doctor and what I think!

So, who would enjoy playing one of these, the Witch Doctor? Well at the start they are very fun to play, the skills you unlock each level will most likely have you swapping around what you use each time! I know I did! The Witch Doctor was the second class I played, but the first I got to 60. If I had to compare them to anything World of Warcraft related, I would say they are sorta like a Warlock.

I spent most of the earlier levels relying on the classes awesome pets, mostly wandering around with Zombie Doggies and the Gargantuan(which you get at level 19). They both make the whole leveling process much easier.. at least until around level 45-50, where they actually become quite useless which made me a very sad bunny :(!

For the range of skills, I love the class, they have so many varied play styles purely because of how their skill set makes up. For instance, as I said I played through most of the lower levels with the different types of Zombie Dogs and the Gargantuan with the Restless Giant rune.. but if that doesn't suit you, you can summon an army of Fetishes to fight at your side.

But anyway, my Witch Doctor, who is level 60 and stuck in between Hell and Inferno difficulty, is running with what I guess a build that a lot of level 60's use - which can be found here. I think I am definitely going to play around with builds more, as I'm struggling.. but I think that's more to do with the difficulty jump going from Hell to Inferno and the lack of places to get gear for it!

I'm really not quite sure where to go, or how to go further with him.. so for now, waiting with baited breath for the real money auction house(Which I won't be buying anything on) and I'm playing my Monk.. who is level 52 and tanking things like a baus.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Here we go again! Second installment time! It's late! 4:15am late and I apparently have to stay up till 10pm tonight... and Diablo is undergoing maintenance.. whatever will I do?! I guess I'll just have to spend some time trying to customize this page! Wish me luck! Forgot to add this link in the first one.. I guess this will do!

So, what is this game called Diablo 3? I guess I should really offer some explanation, in case you don't know.. right? Well it's kind of a hack and slash/dungeon crawl/grindfest genre PC game created by Blizzard Entertainment.. it's been a long time coming, I remember playing Diablo, Diablo II & The Lord of Destruction years ago! I'm told it was 2001 when the LoD hit the shelves.. I refuse to believe that it's been that long since I was a young lad playing games!

It's a point and click fast paced action-fest, the aim is to get your character to the max level(60, like vanilla World of Warcraft!), with all the best equipment you can find.. there are four "acts", which are kinda like these huge places you have to explore and quest in, to get your levels and gear! There is one thing that a lot of people have spoken out against and that's the fact that you can only play Diablo 3 online, even if you just want to play on your own you still have to be online. Then there is the Auction House, which I think I will go into more detail about in another post.. probably solely dedicated to it.. because it's got a lot of talking points!

Once you have finished playing through on the normal difficulty level, you'll be around level 30-32.. then you get to play through the same acts again, but with buffed baddies to hack and slash your way through! There are four difficulty levels for you to "beat", going from Normal to Nightmare, then to Hell and then finally to Inferno. I think I hit 60 at around act 3 of the Hell difficulty, but I could be wrong!

The best things about Diablo that I've found, is the gratifying sounds of your character, whatever class it is, tearing up the hordes of monsters that will surround you at every turn with mega fantastical weapons or spells that make them explode into a fine red mist.. or you could just decide to conjure up a giant frog that will swallow them up! There is of course getting loot.. Getting loot is cool, everybody loves getting new things even pixels do.

I plan on going over each class, as I play it more and more.. I'll most likely start next time with the Witch Doctor as that is the character that I have at the max level at the moment! Working on getting a Monk up there too, while I try to get my Witch Doctor some uber kit so I can attempt more Inferno(which in my limited experience so far, is quite difficult).

With that said, I think it's time to retire for the night.. or maybe I'll just watch an episode of Fringe..  just one, mind...

Ciao for now!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

So here I am, sat here after spending several hours playing games, looking at my screen and wondering what now?

After a good few more hours, I decided to do something productive and write something! It's been a good year or so since I even thought about writing! But what to write about? Then it hit me.. I love video games and video games love me.. well, not really! I'm pretty pants at playing games but I can't help spending time playing them!

You will have to forgive me, I tend to ramble and have disjointed thoughts.. so if I wander off on a tangent.. bear with me, I will get back to what I was saying, I promise! Who am I? Well, my name is Steve and I am a alco.. no, wait that is wrong. Actually, the first bit is right, my name is Steve! How did I get around to sitting here and writing this, is the most important thing to go here I guess!

I have to admit something, like millions and millions of others played World of Warcraft for.. well, for far too long. Though, the thing that I have to be thankful for, is that it ended up getting me a job.. to all you mothers who tell their children that playing games won't get them anywhere, HAH!! It did for me! :-D After working for a few years with Blizzard(awesome place to work by the way!), I decided it was time to move on.. and now I'm looking again for a new home within the video games industry.

Before the World of Warcraft, the first game I remember playing was Chuckie Egg.. on my families first computer our BBC 32k. What a fantastical machine that was! No DVD drive, just tape.. that's right the games came on cassette tape! Then I followed the usual suit, Atari(not commodore), N64, PlayStation 1+2, then I discovered the PC and online games.

My introduction came with a text based game, Wolfenburg.. which I think may well be still going, kind of. Then my friend made me get a game called Guild Wars.. then that same friend, after making me play that, let me create a character on his World of Warcraft account and that was that and this was this.. which brings me to the actual topic that I intended to write about... Diablo 3.

So how about it? Unless you have been living under a rock for the past month or so, you'll know that the long awaited finale in the Diablo series came out on the 15th of May and since that date I have spent so many hours playing it! I just can't stop! It's just so much fun to jump around and mash up the monstrous critters that I can find.

For now I intend to write up about the game in general, how it plays and what there is to do and what my thoughts are about it! I may even eventually include clips of my awesome ability to be pants at it.. if you're lucky!

To start there are 5 classes in Diablo 3, Barbarian, Monk, Demon Hunter, Witch Doctor and Wizard. I'll talk about each class in detail a bit later.. but for now.. she who must be obeyed looks to be getting restless and I must appease her.

Ciao for now!
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